Igniting Your Own Psychic Powers

Have you ever had a gut feeling that proved to be right or an uncanny ability to predict future events? You’re not alone - we all possess psychic abilities to some degree. Just like most of us can tell what type of weather we’re having outside, we all have the potential to tap into our psychic powers. However, there are those who have honed these abilities and taken them to a higher level, becoming psychic mediums who serve a greater purpose. In this post, we will explore the essential elements that can help you unlock and ignite your own psychic powers. 

Clear and Open the Third Eye

The third eye, often referred to as the inner eye or the brow chakra, is a vital component of psychic ability. It’s associated with perfection beyond ordinary sight, allowing you to see things on a deeper level. To unlock your psychic potential, it’s crucial to keep your third eye clear and open. Meditation and energy work can help cleanse and activate this powerful center. 


Intuition is the quiet whisper of your inner wisdom. It’s that feeling you get when you just know something without logical explanation. Developing your intuition is a fundamental step in awakening your psychic powers. Trust your inner voice, practice mindfulness, and pay attention to your gut feelings.

The Clairs

The “clairs” are specific psychic abilities that can be developed individually. These include clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing), and more. Exploring and developing at least one of the clairs can enhance your psychic abilities significantly. 

A Desire to Serve Others for Their Best Good

True psychic mediums are driven by a sincere desire to serve others for their highest good. Altruism is a cornerstone of their practice. When you use your psychic powers to help and guide others, you align with your spiritual purpose, or dharma. This intention amplifies your abilities and sets you on the right path. 

Past Life Experience

Some believe that past life experiences can influence your psychic abilities in the present. Reincarnation and the carryover of knowledge from previous lives are central concepts in this perspective. While not everyone subscribes to this belief, getting a past life reading may provide insights into your potential psychic gifts. 

Becoming psychic is about tapping into the innate abilities that lie within each of us. It’s a journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and a deep desire to serve others. While not everyone may become a psychic medium, everyone can enhance their psychic powers to some degree. By nurturing your third eye, honing your intuition, and exploring the clairs, you can take significant steps on your path to unlocking the mysteries of your own potential. Ultimately, it’s about embracing the journey and discovering the incredible depths of your inner world.


How to Access Your Third Eye


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